Water Issues

Water Quantity | Water Quality | Population & Economic Activity | Wildlife | Forestry | Lack of Knowledge


The water-related issues in the Nicola watershed can be summarized under the following themes:


Water Quantity


security of supply for water license holders

inadequate/insufficient stream flow for fish

cumulative decrease in surface water supply

climate change

global warming

drought, low river flows

impact on forage production


unregulated new well construction

impact of wells on groundwater supply

lack of knowledge about surface and groundwater interaction

Water Quality


concern: maintain high standard

effect of water temperature on fish

activities in the riparian zone

leaching from landfills

Increase in Population & Economic Activity


impact of development on water resources

concern: will there be adequate water to sustain existing and projected uses?

lack of knowledge in government about the impact of development

lack of integrated planning

impact of increasing the storage capacity of certain lakes, i.e. Nicola Lake and the unfinished Nicola dam

Wildlife & their Water Requirements




mountain pine beetle and the impact of logging

impact of natural mortality in pine forest on water resource

Lack of Knowledge & Understanding


the water resource

uses (residential/golf and resorts/ranching, etc.)

regulatory processes


best practices

how to provide input


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